I am looking forward to being a God again. I mean I am looking forward to being a God in my own right. Doing the group thing have I. Now, I sit at the cusp of a 2016 that will see two of my solo sculptures (two albums) released by two record labels, one in the United States and the other in Europe. Within the space of the vinyl and cassettes (I vowed to never record any more CDs for as long as I live, even though I release them for others via the label I own to make people smile), I interweave worlds with other worlds, showing one universe eclipsing glimpses of the other as my pen and my adventure see fit. Gods clash, are reborn, become still, and are reinvigorated through not just my words but my fleeting stance within multiplicity. I may clash with another God in the heat of battle until the ground wears either their blood or mine. To be God is to be the reflector of the Aesthetic Religion that moves us to the realm of seeking that which opens up the endless possibilities of reality. And in that reflection of deed and possible word emerges the synthesis of the underground MC, “rapping” reality together in ways that liberate the future through a requiem for the most prized of souls.