Sri Aurobindo's view is entirely monistic as he postulates one reality which in its static and transcendental aspect is Nirvana and the same reality in its role as the creator of the world systems is the Supermind. Sri Aurobindo asserts several levels of consciousness between our currently held human and the supramental consciousness at the apex. The ordered expression of the Abhidhamma system is one example of 'Higher Mind' activity par excellence. In its native function Higher Mind consciousness seems to be far removed from critical ratiocination and incremental logical advances prone to errors and misrepresentations. Bhakti or the love of the personal God comes within the domain of all the world religions but in the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo it is one element in the overall yogic process. Karma Yoga is thus predominantly a yoga of the and provides the method by which our very works could be made the means by which spiritual objectives could be achieved.