With so few studies on relationships of influence between intelligence elites and civil society, it is useful to reflect on why this is so, as well as how this can be addressed. To understand complex case studies, and what reveal about relationships of influence between intelligence elites and civil society, this chapter examines seven archives, elucidated below. These are declassified and unclassified official intelligence elite documents; unofficially leaked intelligence elite documents; and histories and memoirs from whistleblowers, journalists, politicians and intelligence insiders. It further includes news reports and media texts; non-governmental organisations, activist groups, think tanks and lobby groups; citizens' views; and interviews and conversations with a purpose. As the historical approach is the method of choice in intelligence studies, this is also apparent in studies centrally focused on civil society, intelligence elites and influence. The systematic review shows that interviews are another rarely used method, comprising only 7 per cent of civil society articles.