Food photography is one of the most difficult and yet rewarding forms of commercial photography. It has been said that food photography started around 1832 when a French inventor was given credit for composing a till life, which included a bowl, a goblet and a piece of bread. In 1906, WK Kellogg ran the first Corn Flake print ads. In the early ’80s, black Plexiglas was the background rage. The bright colors of the food against the black Plexiglas just jumped off the page. The clients as well as the art directors loved how vibrant the food looked. Careful preparation and styling of the food and dishes provide the viewer with the impression that the image was just photographed prior to being consumed. Good food photography needs to have a sense of freshness and a sense of “home cooking” while appearing appetizing. This gives the viewer aspiring ideas for making the recipes themselves or having them delivered.