This chapter demonstrates the existence of individual postural signatures using the probability density function of center of pressure time-series. It explains two essential features of these signatures using the earth mover's distance and multidimensional scaling, that is, that they are time-persistent and that they differ significantly from those of others. The chapter shows the mapping of postural signatures as a promising research avenue to account for the inherent inter-individual postural variability and a promising tool for diagnosis or monitoring pathologies. It proposes to use a virtual reality based time-to-collision judgement task to evaluate a specific category of somatogravic illusions classically interpreted as resulting from the conjunction of two factors. The factors include: optic flow is poor or limited and the vestibular system is limited in differentiating between forward linear acceleration or deceleration and tilt. The chapter discusses the range of motion perception, specifically velocity and acceleration, while tilting participants at various degrees with corresponding optical flow.