So where do you go from here? If directing is an art form you wish to pursue, there are a number of things you can do:

Continue to read about directing. There are many great books both on general technique and specialized areas, such as musicals or Shakespeare.

Take advantage of every opportunity to direct. There is no better training than practical experience. Unfortunately, directing positions can be hard to find and often necessitate prior experience. Every production you direct adds to your knowledge, your skills, and your résumé.

Get as much experience as possible in all areas of theatre including acting, design, technical production, and stage management. These experiences are invaluable to a director.

Find opportunities to observe good directors. Stage management positions offer an excellent opportunity to work closely with the director and further learn the craft.

Learn as much as you can about all aspects of theatre. As a college student, take as many classes in all disciplines of theatre as you can. Look for graduate programs that will not only boost your knowledge of directing and offer you practical experience but will also connect you to the world of theatre and enhanced networking.

Network. Introduce yourself to everyone in theatre you meet; make sure they know who you are, your goals, and how to reach you.

See as much theatre as possible. Process what you observe critically to learn from what you saw.

Above all, read as many plays as you can. A good director develops a lifelong practice of reading to expand his or her knowledge of plays, both classical and contemporary.