This chapter is dedicated to – well, sticking up for – anger, that lamentably unpopular relative in the family tree of emotion. It discusses how cardio-based exercise, yoga, intellectually focused tasks and even moving in slow motion can be used as accessible means to process anger. Anger might be scapegoated as the root cause of problems, the least stable and the one who struggles to hold down friends, relationships and maybe even jobs. According to sports psychologists, exercise is an efficient tool for defusing anger due to 'reciprocal inhibition'. Notwithstanding the bad rep it receives in society, the authors have established that anger has an evolutionary purpose which allows human beings to garner the necessary physiological resources to respond to threat. Manifesting in a visceral way, anger alters the chemicals released by the brain, resulting in a cornucopia of side effects ranging from increased adrenaline to a faster heart rate.