The theory of karma emphasises the possible unintended consequences of any action, however small. It does so with greater intensity than other Indic traditions, because Jains see karma as substance that binds and accumulates. Jain business ethics are founded on the presumption of self-restraint and on the concept of wealth generated by an enterprise as social capital rather than exclusively for personal or familial use. Within Jain communities, the business ethic is not explicitly 'environmentalist', but care for the environment underlies the principle of avoiding harm to all forms of life. The Jain view of ownership is one of partial detachment rather than the absolute control associated with the Western-derived model. For the Jain business model, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are at once the starting point and the point of return. Sigma is a relatively large company with a national base and a network of international connections, although it retains most of the characteristics of a traditional SME.