Aspects of the research design are reviewed, including samples (inmates, officers, and facilities), data sources, variables, and statistical methods. A rich body of information, including both archived data and survey data, was compiled that permitted measurement of both inmate- and facility-level factors relevant to our perspective. These factors reflect the individual backgrounds of inmates and officers; characteristics of inmate and officer routines in prison and their perceptions of the prison environment, personnel, and procedures; structural features of the prison environment and resources for goal attainment; and the work styles and orientations of correctional officers. The empirical models derived from this information were applied to an understanding of the prevalence and incidence of violence committed by inmates against other inmates, the prevalence and incidence of violent victimization of inmates by other inmates, and the victimization of correctional officers by inmates. Both cross-sectional and longitudinal components were built in to the study to answer questions about general offending patterns versus offending patterns over time.