This chapter suggests that the think of reality as a relational, always incomplete, encounter. It considers the three artists – Anthony Neilson, Richard Kelly, Debbie tucker green – are all engaged with the contours of realities and explores the collectively illuminate how far reality is neither a place nor a thing, but rather an experience. Realism opened at the Royal Lyceum in Edinburgh in 2006 as part of the Edinburgh International Festival and was more revived at the Soho Theatre in London in 2011. The reviewers' anxieties about 'solving' Darko in some way are striking insofar as they appear to presume that such resolution is both viable and desirable. The everyman banality paradoxically emphasises the radicality of the play's proposition for expanded perceptual horizons. Richard Kelly's Donnie Darko is a cult film. Thus, an approach that sets about unlocking the solution to Darko is flawed insofar as it bypasses the pivotal philosophical challenge to narrative truth that the film poses.