On the eastern border of California where it meets Nevada, and in the middle of the state as it runs north to south, Yosemite National Park is what can perhaps be called a traditional US National Park. Yosemite also has an Ansel Adams Gallery, featuring photographs of perhaps the most well-known American photographer of his age, whose work often featured the natural vistas of Yosemite. In common with other government funded institutions, the Rehabilitation Act applied to the environments of national parks. The National Park Service tackles its access issues proactively through the National Accessibility Branch, separate national office with responsibility for inclusion. The original system of accessibility was set out in an order by the director of the National Park Service in November 2000, and crystalized the looser system that had been in place since 1979 – the director is the highest ranked administrative officer in the National Park Service, and defines issues such as policy and visitor support.