Since 1980 Gerhard Hahn (born in 1946 in Rehburg, Germany) is one of the leading European animation producers and directors and was one of the first in Europe to open an animation studio in Asia (Saigon). Consequently his studio Hahn Film AG, since 1986 located in Berlin, relied on series characters on TV as well as on the cinema screen: Werner-Beinhart (1990), Asterix Conquers America (1994), Bibi Blocksberg (since 1994), The Pirates of Tortuga: Under the Black Flag (2001), SimsalaGrimm, School for Vampires, Mia and me: Adventures in Centopia. In addition to TV and cinema, Hahn Film launched internationally successful merchandising brands such as the Worry Eaters. The company also produced animated advertising spots, music videos, and computer games in house and, with Hahn Graphics, specializes in graphic solutions for brand identity, product development, books, packaging design, and retail.