Ray Harryhausen (born in 1920 in Los Angeles) passed away in London in 2013, 2 months before his 93rd birthday. For more than 30 years, I (RG) was associated with him while I curated the different exhibitions in Germany (where his family name came from: Harriehausen) that had his animation artifacts on display. A great deal was written about him. He was the only VFX and stop-motion artist who had several books and countless articles devoted to his work. Digging in our files we found an extensive career interview that I had conducted for an exhibition of his work in the German Film Museum Frankfurt in 1988. It is virtually unknown as it was published in German language * . From my notes I have added remarks that he made to me over the years, facts that involved his models, actors he worked with, and composers who were very important to enhance his animation.