Actors are the direct heirs to shamanism while artists and painters are the ones to record what they did and, more important: what they saw. German anthropologist Andreas Lommel mentioned the man-animal picture known as 'the Sorcerer' located at the Les Trois Freres cave in the Ariege. To him it is the oldest known portrayal of a shaman, maybe a shaman disguised in an animal suit. Thus, for the first time, the animal was humanized. By definition totemism is a mystical relationship with a spirit being, with a powerful animal. Disney, however, is totemism that has lost its meaning. The strong animals of Shamanic visions and journeys, the mighty eagle, for instance, that took the visionary in his trance high above mountains and countryside, are merely supporting players in cartoons while the tiny ones, especially the mice, became the ones audiences would sympathize with.