American cartoons most often used cute animals and upended nature to have sheep-loving little David win over the carnivorous barbarian, Goliath. Mickey Mouse has become a trademark although there are cartoon stars that are more popular. The mouse is seen as a wise animal: quiet, shy, understanding, invisible, stealthy, neat, meek and humble, scrutinizing, and paying attention even to the tiniest detail. In storytelling, the mouse reflects favorably the David and Goliath principle: In small we trust. Be faithful to the little things. Each cartoon character seems to have two souls: an assimilated and an unassimilated. Cartoon aficionados seem to sympathize with the unassimilated, while cartoon producers usually will go for the assimilated. Upon leaving Warner Bros., Michael Maltese and Chuck Jones got a hold of Tom & Jerry after MGM had closed down their own cartoon department. There is one single quality that many cartoon animals have.