Many schools of psychotherapy seek to localise self. Some speak of authentic selves, core selves and false selves and humanistic psychologies last century made self-actualisation or self-realisation their goal. Self cannot exist outside of relationship, so it is just as well that the readers are always in relationship with our environment! Self is not revealed and neither does it manifest in contact as this suggests a pre-existing self that then appears, ‘instead, it is contact; it is created in and through contact’. To describe ever-changing dynamic process more accurately in gestalt the readers use term selfing. The use of a verb rather than a noun reflects the active process of self’s constant state of flux in relation to the environment. One of the most important pieces of facilitation that a gestalt therapist can achieve is to collaborate in restoring healthy spontaneity in the self-function where that spontaneity has been disrupted or interrupted and is out of sync with client’s situation.