The 'relational turn' describes a way of thinking, working and being in gestalt therapy that emphasises our human need for connection and our interdependence rather than past emphasises on self-support, self-differentiation, self-regulation together with a need to frustrate the client. What has sometimes got lost in relation to these terms is that 'self' is not self-contained but from a gestalt perspective is self-as-process and as such is implicitly relational, self is 'the function of contacting the actual transient present'. Gestalt’s systemic theory and methodology integrates dialogic relating and creative experimentation. A rhythmic flow between I-It relating and I-Thou relating whilst holding an over-arching I-Thou attitude is needed in relational therapy. This is achieved by the therapist attuning to losses of spontaneity and variations in energy, re-positioning themselves in the relationship and supporting it, moment by moment.