This chapter begins to describe and engage with the problem of authorial presence in the writing and presentation of this and indeed any book of this kind. It offers a mistrusting of concepts and inducement to further conceptualisation and, in so doing, to nurture the creation of new events that contributes to new sense making and continue to promote the possibilities and practices that the preceding writing begins to speak to and talk with. There is a poetics in madness that opens fissures in the indistinct relentlessness of relational spaces. It is poetics of affect and it is sensitised in the aesthetics and sensualities of becomings in space. It is the point where everything stops, perhaps only for an instant, and in that brief instantaneous stopping that defies language and all discursive construction, becoming is the surging tide of beautiful temporary knowing that is recognised in gestural simplicity, a smile, a nod and a gentle moving on in the world.