The 'conceptualisation of madness as a process' need to break free from those orthodoxies and foundational modalities that identify and ontologically and epistemologically ground madness as a category of being that can somehow be objectified, classified and ascribed to the humanist construction of the Individual and the individualised subject. The madness as methodology offers challenge to the foundational and substantive establishment of nouning and naming and to provide a practice of processual doing that works to trouble and undo their dominance and colonising tendencies. The synaesthesia that delirer opens up and that the above quotation can be used to evoke are a central feature of the madness of methodology that is being created here. The author offers a consideration and activation of madness as methodology in relation to the concepts of 'desiring production' and a 'body-without-organs' to be found in Anti-Oedipus and A Thousand Plateaus, both subtitled Capitalism and Schizophrenia.