remixthecontext is an experimental collection of “theoretical fictions” composed primarily in dialogue form and consists of an assemblage of voices that resemble the actual conversations between the kinds of artists, intellectuals, scholars, and cultural sophisticates who tend to populate the university café culture depicted in the book. Each chapter takes place inside a coffee shop and/or on a university campus where a series of freewheeling exchanges playfully investigate a multitude of themes including digital rhetoric, remix culture, copyright, the cult of branding, MOOCs, gender fluidity, and experimental writing practices in a digital arts and humanities context. While each chapter is unique in the subject matter that the interlocutors address, all of the conversations display a rhetorical strategy I deployed in my last book of artist writings titled remixthebook (University of Minnesota, 2011) where I attempted to blur the lines of distinction between metafiction, rhetoric and digital performance as an emergent form of research creation.