This chapter deals with the characteristics in general that promote the effectiveness of rational emotive behaviour (REB) coaches as coaches, and specific characteristics that promote the effectiveness of REB coaches as REB coaches. It outlines the general characteristics that it is important for REB coaches to have in order to make them effective as coaches, irrespective of which approach to coaching they practise. Helpers in all the helping professions, as is generally recognised, need to be good active listeners, and this is also true of REB coaches. The chapter also outlines the specific characteristics that REB coaches need to have in order to make them effective in the practice of rational emotive behavioural coaching (REBC). Flexibility is the most important of all the concepts advocated by REBC. Effective REB coaches are likely to accept both themselves and their coachees unconditionally as fallible human beings and are therefore tolerant of their own errors and the occasionally irresponsible acts of their coachees.