This book argues for the commensurability of present thesis with biblical rituals and makes suggestions on how these findings might cohere with the Hebrew Bible's historical books, wisdom literature, the New Testament Gospels, and Pauline epistles. As a work of philosophical criticism, the book focuses not merely on the lexicography, but also the narrative structure and rhetorical force of the texts to see a coherent picture of epistemology emerge. It describes the fairly stable portrait of knowing that resembles the key tenets of scientific epistemologies – the very epistemologies of the scientific enterprise that withstood the fall of modernism in the twentieth century. It offers a twentieth century strand of scientific epistemology that is believed to match closely with the biblical texts, that is the work of Michael Polanyi. Christian philosophies or theologies that presume to stem from the biblical account of the religion must show some deference to the biblically derived epistemology.