This chapter explains why Mao Tse-tung published his article "Farewell, John Leighton Stuart" and how people should see Mao's appraisal of Stuart in it, so as to come to a less subjective view in order to objectively evaluate his contributions and flaws. This is necessary because most Chinese readers, especially those born after the founding of the People's Republic, did not know the name of Stuart until they read this article by Mao. The chapter also discusses issues related to this article from two aspects. First, let us look at why Mao published "Farewell, Leighton Stuart". "Farewell, Leighton Stuart" was the second of the five articles that Mao wrote for the Xinhua News Agency to repudiate the White Paper on Sino-US. Relations published by the US government. The Kuomintang (KMT) regarded the White Paper as the US government's betrayal of Chiang Kai-shek's regime, taking it as tantamount to adding insult to injury and accelerating the KMT's defeat in mainland China.