Take the following measurements from your pattern Panel 1

Point 30 on the shoulder line of your stays pattern to the back shoulder of your traced female basic block pattern

Panel 3

Point 45 on the front of your corset pattern to the front shoulder of your traced female basic block pattern

These two measurements added together will give you an approximate strap length https://www.niso.org/standards/z39-96/ns/oasis-exchange/table"> 1 to 2 strap length (as calculated from your pattern) plus 3cm 1 to 3 square up the shoulder measurement Panel 1 (29 to 30) minus 0.5cm 3 to 4 square across 2.5cm from point 3 to find point 4 4 to 1 connect with a straight line

Ensure that the strap measurement (4 to 1) is the same length as the shoulder measurement of your stays pattern (29 to 30) Panel 1, adjust if necessary. This is where the strap will connect to the back of the bodice when constructed https://www.niso.org/standards/z39-96/ns/oasis-exchange/table"> 2 to 5 square up 2cm 4 to 5 connect with a concave curve using the diagram as a guide

Round off the corners of the strap at points 5 and 2

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