In previous chapters we explored our end-to-end design journey. From the high-level core design diamonds, to the way we approach various design challenges, to the teams of experts we assemble to meet those challenges, we've now reached the most granular level of the design task. The tools and techniques featured in this chapter are the building blocks of our work. They are the way we make our ideas real, transforming them into something we can act upon and modify. They help us break down the problem, dissect it, and co-create something new. These tools may help us to test an idea's potential for value creation, serve as decision-making or thinking aids, or anchor our conversations with the core design team, providing us with a reference point from which to reframe and reorient our thinking. While some tools and techniques are better suited to certain activities, all of them serve to simplify collaboration. We use them because they improve the way we relate to each other. They allow us to cut through dense data and technical thinking and provide us with a common ground to stand on.