Clients typically enter therapy with an incomplete version of the generic ABC model. Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT) has a distinctive ABC model. The REBT model is useful when clients are disturbed about past events. REBT's model also applies to inferences made in the present about anticipated future events. When people make inferences at A about future events, they may hold rigid and extreme basic attitudes at point B, which sets the stage for emotional disturbance in the present. By teaching clients the ABC model of REBT and helping them to adopt it, REBT inoculates clients against future adversities that might occur. When one adopts the REBT model, change at point B will produce emotional improvement at point C even when A is slow to change, cannot be modified or can only be imperfectly addressed. Eliminating emotional disturbance about adverse events enables client persistence, creative problem-solving and skilful execution of the selected strategies clients choose to attempt to change A.