The role for interpreting the properties of 'living systems' in Metabolism proposals could reasonably be expected from Kawazoe Noboru's discourse. He claims that destruction (or nonexistence) is also an inevitable part of humans' life, just as it is with all other living things in nature, where destruction is repeated in an eternal cycle in turn with creation (or coming to existence). Kawazoe thinks that it would be rational to include its concept in our built environment through applying the analogy of nature's cyclical change and regeneration to urban design: "We hope to create something which even in destruction will cause a subsequent new creation. This 'something' must be found in the form of the cities we are going to make—cities constantly undergoing the process of metabolism". His vision of metabolizing future cities is based on his belief that 'the age of high metabolism' is approaching: "Our constructive age or tomorrow, or say, today, will be the age of high metabolism".