Relocalized linguascapes can be fundamentally different from their source languages, which are entirely incomprehensible to that particular source language speaker. This chapter presents data extracts that represent the main characteristics of relocalized linguascapes of popular music artists in Mongolia. It discusses how some musicians and songwriters in Mongolia seek the transnational ideoscapes of authenticity through the usage of 'strictly or exclusively Mongolian written songs,' while simultaneously engaged with 'relocalized linguascapes.' The chapter also discusses how English can function as relocalized linguascapes, while some musicians seek to create 'an authentic Mongolian song' through 'authentic Mongolian lyrics.' Relocalized linguascapes are viewed as ordinary, mundane, everyday and common. Since 1990, following the popularity of English language, English linguistic resources have become one of the most commonly relocalized resources in the linguascapes of Mongolians. In particular, English has been widely relocalized across the linguascapes of hip-hop genre.