On a scale of 1–10, where 1 is difficult and 10 is easy, how do you feel about recognising the differences between formal and casual conversation settings, and being able to use the right ‘code’ in the following situations:

• a barbecue party?

• a wedding?

• an interview?

• a fancy-dress party?

• a law court?

• a visit to the doctor?

• a visit to an elderly relative in hospital?

• a day out to a theme park?

• an open day at a college?

• a ceremony?

• a caution by the police?

• a chat with your sister's children?

For many people several of the above settings are unlikely to be encountered. However, this chapter is a basis for discussing the best ways to speak and act should the need arise, even in situations that are either more formal or more casual than usual, and out of our comfort zone.