There may be no greater need than for integration of the self, which is of greater significance than the desire for personal happiness and well-being. Personal spiritual transformation may be a surer road to wholeness than other strategies that have been attempted and that have failed. Emmons is a psychology professor in California and in his research he found that spiritual people are not necessarily happier, but that they are much better able to integrate adverse experiences into their lives. Emmons also argues that there are two aspects of ‘spiritual intelligence’ that particularly enable effective functioning. They are gratitude and humility. Kabat-Zinn started to develop his Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction programme. He began teaching his programme at the Stress Reduction Clinic in 1979. It is an eight week course which combines various meditation practices and some Yoga exercises to help patients cope with stress, pain, and illness by learning the skills to apply moment-to-moment awareness to thoughts, feelings and physical sensations.