This chapter focuses on a CD which contains a selection of Mindfulness practices, similar to the ones that are taught in the Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) and Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) programmes. It contains a 30-minute version of the Mindfulness Body Scan. In MBCT and MBSR classes it is usually the sole practice for the first two weeks of the course. It can then be used as a practice in its own right, or perhaps as an alternative to the sitting meditation at times. The Mindfulness Sitting Practice is divided into three tracks. The first track contains the posture suggestions, Mindfulness of the breath, and bringing awareness back to the breath when the mind wanders. The second track asks people to expand awareness to the body as a whole. The third track leads people from awareness of sounds to awareness of thoughts and to choiceless awareness. The three tracks are usually practised together.