BDA (British Deaf Association) The BDA is the UK’s largest national organisation run by Deaf people for Deaf people. It represents the Deaf community, which is united by shared experiences and, above all, by a common language: British Sign Language. Its vision is of a world where Deaf people who use sign language can enjoy the same rights, responsibilities, opportunities and quality of life as everyone else.

1-3 Worship Street, London EC2A 2AB, UK Tel: +44 (0)870 770 3300 (calls charged at national rate), Textphone: +44 (0)800 652 2965 (all calls are free) Videophone: +44 (0)20 7496 9539 Fax: +44 (0)20 7588 3527 Email: helpline@bda.org.uk www.bda.org.uk