The amount of fixed capital per worker [tekhnicheskaia vooruzhennost* truda] serves as one of the most important characteristics for tech­ nological modes of production that differ in de­ grees of labor-intensiveness. Most branches in India’s manufacturing industry are character­ ized by a considerable gap between the amounts of the fixed capital used in factory industry as compared with sm all-scale industry, even though this gap is not uniform in different branches. Thus, in the production of electric goods, the fixed capital of the factory industry is only 2.2 times greater than the fixed capital used in sm all-scale industry; in the chemical and phar­ maceutical branches the gap is 8.2 times; in the flour milling branch — 9.8 times; in the soap-mak­ ing industry — more than 14 times; and this gap is most pronounced in the metallurgical branch — 48.6 times (see Table 3).