The planned goals handed down by the state to the enterprises include only the important indexes to be achieved, namely, the variety, quality, and quantity of output, the rate of production, cost and profit rate, etc. Each enterprise must also independently formulate its plan in conformity with the goal fixed by the state, its complete unified plan of production, technology, and finance, incorporating into it all production activities of individuals as well as groups within the enterprise, and all internal 103functions such as production, technology, and finance. Thus, the production management of an enterprise could be organized according to the requirements of the state unified plan and the overall fulfillment and overfulfillment of the state plan fully ensured. Conversely, if the enterprise fails to formulate its plan in accordance with the goals fixed by the state, or if the formulated plan is incomplete in the sense that it does not incorporate every internal task in the enterprise, then the production management of the enterprise could not function harmoniously and the fixed goals of the state could not be successfully accomplished.