After the socialist transformation of the ownership of the means of production had basically been completed, Chairman Mao personally laid down the general line of "going all out, aiming high, and achieving greater, faster, and better results at lower costs in building socialism." Liu Shao-ch'i and Sun Yeh-fang frantically opposed the General Line of the Party for building socialism and actively promoted the counterrevolutionary revisionist line of economic construction. Liu Shao-ch'i slanderously said that the method of economic construction pursued by the Party and the country is a "supra-economic method," and he tried his utmost to peddle his "manage the economy with economic methods." Sun Yeh-fang maliciously produced five murderous soft daggers pointed at the socialist economy and the proletarian dictatorship. Socialist economy will change into capitalist economy. Proletarian positions will become supports for revisionism. Sun Yeh-fang espoused the nonsense that socialist planned economy is inferior to capitalist "free economy."