School / Teachers / Homework and Study Time / Bullying General issues covered in this session What’s school like - work, friends, teachers, food, getting there and back?Homework - Too much? Coping? Do it when? Where?Uninterrupted?Do you have someone to talk to at school when things go wrong?Do you ever miss school - how many times?Is it difficult to concentrate in school?Have you ever been excluded/in trouble at school?What sort of problems do you have at school?Have you ever been bullied at school?Have you ever been bullied at school because someone at home is ill or disabled or because you help care for them? Session 4 Concerns the young carer may have during school time: Have you ever had to take time off school or be late for school as a result of caring?Have you ever taken time off school because you don’t feel well or are worried about someone at home - how often, for what reason?Do you know who your school nurse is, can you talk to her/him?Do you ever worry about the person you are caring for when you are at school?Are you able to phone them if you need to?Is there somewhere you can go at school if you are feeling worried or down?Who would you talk to at school if you were feeling that way?Does your teacher or school friends know of your caring responsibility?Would you like help in thinking about how to tell people at school? Homework and Study time: Do you ever have problems finding time to do your homework?Is there a quiet and uninterrupted place at home to do your homework?If you haven’t got that space to work, maybe we can think about how to manage this and where else might be available.Do you do your homework at the same time each day?Would it help to move that time until after chores/when younger children are in bed?Do you have problems during exam times finding extra time for study?During school holidays are you able to find time for yourself?Are there things you’d really like to do but you haven’t got the time? Friends/Bullying: Do you have friends at school?Do you like to go round in a group or with just one or two?Do you fall out much with friends?Do any of your friends know you care for someone at home?If they don’t know, what would happen if you told them?Do you not invite friends home because of the person you care for?Have you or your friends ever experienced bullying? What happened?Is it still going on?What support did you have, were you able to tell someone?What have you done about it? Would you like to do something?We could look at it together. Other Ideas Go through a bullying book together.Think up strategies of coping.Link in to building up self-esteem (Session 3).