Date:____________ Language Focus:______________________________________________________________ Social Language Understanding Language Use • Saying my name • Taking turns with friends • A range of action words; e.g. eating, drinking, sleeping • Describe an action using one word Activities Resources Child's Name: Attention Builder Ring the bell. A toy elephant is passed around the circle. When the bell rings, whoever is holding the elephant says their name. • A soft elephant• A bell or other percussion instrument Elephant Says – UnderstandingIntroduce elephant: 'Here is elephant. He is very bossy. He likes telling people what to do! Elephant likes eating.'Mime Elephant eating. 'Elephant says: Everyone eating' (point to all the children to indicate 'everyone')Everyone mimes eating.Repeat this sequence for drinking and sleeping.Again act out the three actions using elephant. As you do the action describe e.g, 'Elephant is drinking': 'Elephant is eating': 'Elephant is steeping' Then let the children take a teddy to have a turn making elephant eat, drink or sleep as you comment:e.g. 'Elephant is eating' etc.Ensure each child has at least three turns following each action word instruction. At the end let the children eat a piece of apple:Comment using the child's name:e.g. 'Aled is eating' • Elephant• Toy cup• Real apple• Toy bed• Toy blanket Elephant Says – UseSet up a barrier, that is, stand up a large book, so the children can't see you arrange elephant drinking, eating or sleeping. Drop the barrier and ask:Question: 'What's happening?' Support with a prompt: 'Elephant is . . .'Let the children also have a turn setting up the scene behind the barrier. • Large book or barrier• Items as before Now and Next 'Now we have finished playing with elephant, Next we will . . .' • Now and Next' board• Elephant• Object to signify nursery Post Session Activity Reinforce the action word vocabulary in everyday routines in nursery, e.g. 'nice walking, Billy', 'Katie's eating her apple', 'Ali's cutting' etc.