This chapter contains an effective approach to addressing classroom bullying because it stops the behavior, supports all parties, is minimally intrusive in nature, and promotes life skills for students. Viewed from a restorative perspective, undercover teams (UTs) may not be regarded by some practitioners as 'fully restorative' because the victims of bullying and the offending students are not brought face to face as part of the process. UTs are an ideal option but should not always be the first choice for all bullying situations. In cases of sustained, high level bullying a more formal school response is needed. UTs are a restorative adaptation of the influential and farsighted work in the early 1990s of Barbara Maines and George Robinson from the UK. The UT agrees on any further meetings required for the victim's benefit. There may be considerable enthusiasm for continuing the life of the group and members might nominate other students whom they would also like to assist.