The term ‘dynamic assessment’ is used interchangeably with other terms such as ‘interactive assessment’ and ‘learning potential assessment’. European researchers have devised dynamic tests that are standardised and psychometrically validated. L. S. Vygotsky stressed the role of others in the environment, who present, instruct and mediate meanings to the developing child. There is consistency between the graduated prompts method and the mediational input of Feuerstein in the way in which the programme is constructed, that is, from the broadest, least directive cues to the more specific and directive. Generally, in standardised tests, no feedback at all is given, but J. S. Carlson and K. H. Wiedl found that if detailed feedback was given during an assessment task, performance on successive items improved. In a mediated learning situation, the mediator shapes the experience of the learner by placing himself between the stimulus, or the experience, and the individual.