This chapter discusses how cognitive-emotive-behavioural (CEB) coaches tend to work towards ending the CEB coaching (CEBC) process with their coachees. It describes the issue of follow-up and the evaluation of CEBC. Once a coachee has made progress in achieving and maintaining some or most of their development-based objectives and problem-based goals, shown evidence that they can generalise their learning to other life areas and can, in some important ways, carry on the coaching process for themself, then it may be time to discuss how the coachee and coach are going to end the process. Often the CEB coach and coachee agree to meet less often as the latter makes progress towards their objectives and wishes to become more autonomous in the process. It is important to seek feedback from the coachee concerning what was valuable about the process and what was not helpful, if these issues have not been covered by the coachee's summary and learning statement.