Healthcare leaders in long-term/post-acute care LTPAC provider organizations considering health information technology HIT solutions to support their care efforts need to devise implementation strategies that not only consider the types of services delivered, but also the people and processes in the healthcare organization. The chapter discusses the systems development life cycle (SDLC) model and its stages. They are: Decision, Selection, and Acquisition stages. The first stage of the SDLC, the decision, problem analysis stage, purposes to clearly define a specific problem the ­organization faces and then to propose a generalized solution to addressing that concern. The second stage of the SDLC, Selection, purposes to develop a specific solution to present to the organization's leaders for approval. The third SDLC stage, Acquisition, occurs once the organization's leaders approve the SDLC team's recommended solution. Numerous SDLC models exist describing the process for the analysis, design, implementation, and operation of an information system.