This chapter uses an eclectic conceptual thesis that takes into recognition different theories of sexuality. It involves love and sex-related issues in traditional and modern African literatures. The chapter looks at that love in which there is a physical or emotional craving for the other. It touches on recent expressions of homosexuality and lesbianism in African literature and the responses to different types of love. Globalization has affected African concepts and practice of love and sexuality. The issues of love, sex, and sexuality are related to social inequality and individual and human rights. In any case, love, sex, and sexuality are integral aspects of the socio-cultural lives of Africans. The chapter starts with love in Urhobo folklore and oral traditions. The udje oral poetic performance tradition was the most entrenched in Urhobo land. The chapter uses Urhobo folklore, especially some songs, the Sunjata epic, and a Yoruba story to discuss further love, sex, and sexuality in traditional African society.