Recently, the Cultural Relics Management Committee of Chfüan_chou City 象 州 布 文 物 蓍 碟 娄 蚤 含 discovered several items of m ateria ls concerning the old home of L i Chih and the conditions of his lineage that have been preserved fo r several hundred years in the house of the L in clansmen, the de­ scendants of L i Chih. They include a manuscript copy of the CYLLTP: LNP,2 ten fragmented folios of another transcription of the [above-mentioned] LLT P , and a land deed of L i Chihfs old home [in Chfüan-chou]. Ever since Liberation, fragmentary facsim iles of the FCLLTP have been successively uncovered in ChTuan-cho\^ offering certain inform ation about L i Chih. Yeh Kuo-chTing 装趣覆 had used [the latter genealogy] to w rite his a rtic le ” L i Shih [s ic . fo r Chih] hsien-shih k faoTT 奪 仗 [ 警] 先《 奢 [A Study of L i ChihTs A ncesto rs ].3 The discovery of

these new m ateria ls not only produced concrete evidence on L i ChihTs old home which was declared by the PeopleTs Committee of ChTüan-chou in 1961 as a m ajor site of the municipal cu ltura l re lics under protection, but also supplied important inform ation fo r an understanding of the conditions of L i Chih’s lineage which are immensely valuable to a study of L i Chih’s life and his in ­ te llectual development.