The feature news release focuses on "softer," less important and less immediate news than does the announcement news release. Feature news releases often are human-interest stories that highlight some aspect of organization. Feature news releases often present entertaining human-interest stories, such as the efforts of an officer of organization to hire the homeless. Avoid the temptation to include unattributed opinions in feature news releases. Feature news releases generally begin with a traditional news headline. However, many feature news releases attempt to include clever wordplay, such as a pun, in the headline. Some feature news releases include information from nonemployee, non-competitive sources to round out the story. The most dramatic paragraph in a feature news release might be the final paragraph. Unlike announcement releases, feature news releases often use present tense to attribute quotations—for example, says instead of said. Present-tense attributions can help create the sense that a story, not just a report, is being told.