More specifically, Scandinavian works in English include those by the Nordic Council, such as the annual Yearbook of Nordic Statistics, which is published in dual columns of Swedish and English. In addition to the reference works and films pro­ duced by the respective U.S.-based Scandinavian information services, the following national institutions publish Englishlanguage materials. In Denmark, the Ministry of Education, In­ ternational Relations Division, and the State Pedagogical and Textbook Collection Center are responsible for educational doc­ umentation. The International Relations Division within the Min­ istry of Education publishes and distributes a comprehensive collection of stenciled brochures and abstracts. These are mostly available in English and deal with all major aspects of

education in Denmark. Important educational works in English are also published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Royal Library, and the Danish National Institute of Social Research. Danmarks Statistik publishes statistics with dual columns of Danish and English.