The text of My Beatles (Atashi no Beatles) appears in Atashi no Bea­ tles (Shõbunsha, 1970). The play was first performed by JiyU gekijõ (The Freedom Theatre), directed by the playwright, in 1967.

Three Young People: Chong: young husband; plays the guitar Katsura: young wife The Japanese: dressed in black and carries a pistol, an onion, and something resembling a bomb

The Quartet: Sundown Lennon: soft-spoken, intense leader of the group; dresses formally and has long hair McCartney the Stripe: wears a knit shirt and small square sunglasses Side-Street Harrison: bearded and wears a “Make Love Not War” button Twinkle Starr: smokes a pipe and wears flowered slacks with a man’s white shirt

A room the size and description of a cheap flat, the home that Chong and Katsura call their castle. There is one door and one window, both carelessly painted green. A naked light bulb swings just above the floor on a cord that is much too long. There is a record player and a stack of records, but otherwise the room is bare. The ceiling is low and the floor slopes gently. The overall impression is less of a room than the inside of a large crate.