In this chapter, the authors introduce the four schools at the heart of their research: ­Sandford, Easton and Highfield, located in Adelaide’s northern suburbs, and Riverview, located in a regional country town and ‘port’ community. Riverview Primary is the oldest of the four schools, having opened in 1877. Sandford is a larger school than Riverview. Established in 1960 as separate junior primary and primary schools, Sandford has since undergone many changes. Easton was one of the first R–7 schools in the Elizabeth area, opening in 1958. Like Easton, Highfield Primary opened in 1958. The school was rebuilt and upgraded in 1981, and in 2010–2012, federal funding was used to significantly refurbish more than one-third of the school. In different ways, all of the schools made literacy improvement a major goal and invested considerable time and resources, giving it priority in terms of professional development for teachers and support staff.