Where Marx was concerned, it might be said that Simone Weil largely believed his account of the Oppression but she never really believed his account of the Liberation. The thought of this extraordinary person – a unique mixture of Platonist, Christian mystic, and Marxist – is to be found in such works as The Notebooks, The Need for Roots, On Science, Necessity and the Love of God, and Oppression and Liberty. This chapter divides the discussion into several parts: Weil's Metaphysics—Gravity and Grace; Natural and Social Oppression; Two Impossible Dreams of Liberty; and Marx Right and Marx Wrong. Weil admired Marx's moral indignation and thirst for justice; and she admired certain "ideas of genius" which he introduced, which no one has bettered. However, Weil states that Marx twisted his "idea of genius" to his desired ends.