A sign of intersectionality's widespread effectiveness is how it's become a buzzword among both feminist and their detractors. A good search reveals everything from celebratory articles to the Urban Dictionary’s smear campaign: "radical feminists hate all men". Decentralizing the predominantly Chicana lens on Latina Feminism makes space for the complex and interconnected racial politics that women from other Latin countries face. In Cuban-American perspectives, Latina Feminism, Black Feminism, Indigenous Feminism, and Womanism can intersect based upon our individual standpoints. Cyberfeminism emphasizes the interplay among technology, gender/women, and activism. Cyberfeminists advocate practicing feminism with a technological slant, including a thorough critique of gender inequality, collective activist approaches, and creative cultural productions. Octavia E. Butler is a feminist philosopher whose work influences gender and queer theory. Building on theories about the social construction of gender, her early work focused on the roles of speech and action in that construction.