The Sexual Self-Concept Inventory was designed to assess the gender-specific sexual self-concepts of early adolescent girls based on extensive formative work with ethnically diverse samples. The Multidimensional Sexual Self-Concept Questionnaire was developed based on prior work on individual differences in sexuality. The Sexuality Scale is an objective, self-report instrument measuring three aspects of human sexuality: sexual esteem, sexual depression, and sexual preoccupation. The Sexual Self-Esteem Inventory assesses affective reactions to subjective appraisals of sexual thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. The Sexual Contingent Self-Worth Scale was developed to assess an individual’s tendency to base their self-esteem on maintaining a successful sexual relationship. The Sexual Shame and Pride Scale (SSPS) was designed to capture two self-conscious emotions—shame and pride—as they relate specifically to sexual thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. An initial set of items for the SSPS was developed by the first author after consulting existing scales of similar relevant constructs such as sexual self-schema and sexual esteem.